Monday, August 4, 2008

Editing a Check

Just a quick note regarding editing a previously created check. In Payroll Mate there are two things that cannot be edited, the check number and the pay date. An employer can have many different scenarios as to why a check may need to be edited.

Sometimes it can be a bad idea to change a check that has already been created, especially if the employee has been paid. Changing tax withholdings paid by the employee should not be done. Creating a new income, deduction or tax category and adding that to the previously created checks can also not be done.

A scenario that editing a check may be beneficial pertains to employer withholdings. In this Payroll Program if a mistake has been made concerning, lets say, unemployment withholdings editing the check becomes helpful. I recently wrote about my unemployment not calculating. The situation was rectified but I had created some checks before noticing my mistake. Did I need to delete these checks? Did I need to recreate the checks? The easiest solution was to edit the check. When editing this withholding I was not changing anything for the employee portion of the check. Neither the net pay nor the gross pay of the check was affected. The only thing this changed was my own employer records. Using the edit function in the Payroll Software in this manner was extremely beneficial to me.

This change was instantly seen in the reports supported by the Payroll Software. The many reports supported by Payroll Mate will be something discussed in the future. If you’d like to view the forms or the software for yourself you can download a free demo if you want to from the link below:
Payroll Software Download